An Essayist

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Responses & Rejoinders

An Essayist - Introduction 


In the spirited and political intellectual tradition of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson, inter alia, An Essayist is a vehicle for reasoned exploration of meaningful issues in contemporary American life.


An Essayist is a marked contrast to the irresponsible, flip news analysis to which we are subjected in the current world of competitive, non-stop news outlets.  Thoughtful, well-constructed argument has limited place in the alarmist, headline-grabbing, fear-mongering world of such mental heavyweights as Anderson Cooper, Katy Couric, and whoever might be the weekly anchor at ABC – irony, we hope detected.  The David Brinkleys, Ernie Pyles and Myron Kandels media personalities of the world have unfortunately been deemed quaintly anachronistic by the major networks, and the country is now uniformily subjected to the uninformed musings of 20- and 30- somethings without the benefit of rigorous historical context or even modest academic credentials.


Our essays are composed with respect for time-honored argument – an exploration of the facts of a difficult issue, a review of alternative solutions, and a conclusion based upon a reasonable, logical analysis of the problem. 


We welcome contributions and spirited responses, which we faithfully post in an effort to play host to honest discussion.  All responses and contributions may be submitted to    

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